Thursday 28 May 2020

Website reviews

I was looking for prestigious sites review websites and I ended up with Sitejabber. It is the leading destination for customer ratings and reviews of businesses. Consumers find ratings and read reviews to ensure they buy from the best companies. 

Please leave us a review in the below link:

Tuesday 28 April 2020

Dolar Artacak mı?

Türkiye'de doların durumu her zaman takip edilmektedir. Bugünlerde global pandemi krizi, üretimin durması talebin daralması sebebiyle dünya ekonomilerinde ortalama %3 lük bir daralma beklenmektedir 2020 'nin sonunda.

Aslında pandemi kontrol altına alınınca gerçek tablo o zaman ortaya çıkacak.

2020 yılının başında dolar kuru ne kadardı diye bakacak olursak Currency World'ün  grafiğinden yararlanmak isterim.

Anlık 190 dan fazla döviz kuru ve 2950 kripto paralara ait fiyat bilgisi için Currency World'ü kullanıyorum.

Türkçe olarak da dolar nekadar güne başlangıç sayfam.

Wednesday 22 April 2020

Tuesday 21 April 2020

Currency Exchange Tips for Travelers

When you travel abroad or do commercial activities, you want to know how much your local currency will buy. Therefore, you need to use an exchange rate and currency converter.
Traveling abroad usually requires a lot of considerations to make. One of the most important things that you need to plan and prepare your budget.
Even though you can book and pay many reservations online, it’s always good the idea to keep some buffer.
US dollars, British pounds, and Euros are the easiest currencies to change, particularly in the developing world. That's why I wanted to create an easy instant currency converter that can give me a currency exchange rate for all the money in the world. You can convert your currencies as easy as possible: